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mercredi 26 août 2015

Recent Developments

No longer the tourism industry as it was since Snoat..chabt branches and overlapped and became involved in most areas of daily life tourism is no longer that person who carries a small bag and travel to the country to spend several nights in a hotel and walk around among the landmarks of the country Alothreyh..ngar the case and changed and exceeded Tourism those narrow confines strongly to intervene to everywhere to affect it and affected by it. A recent types:

Medical Tourism: Travel with the aim of treatment and recuperation at health resorts in different parts of the world, as in India, for example.
Eco-tourism: travel in order to visit natural reserves such as natural reserves in Africa.
Marine Tourism: They are very popular in the Arab world, in Agadir, Sharm El Sheikh, Latakia, Aqaba and Alexandria.
Tourism conferences: a associated with tourism activities to attend a global conference be different capitals around the world.
Tourism Shopping: They travel for shopping from countries which is characterized by the abundance and quality in the purchase price including Dubai, London, Paris, Milan, Frankfurt and Berlin complexes are destinations for shopping.
Sport tourism types
Recreational tourism: They travel to the world's known tourist places.
Religious Tourism: travel in order to visit the holy places for religions such as Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem for Muslims and Jerusalem and Bethlehem and the Vatican and the various monasteries for Christians, including the Monastery of St. Catherine in southern Sinai in Egypt, as well as visit Alohram or religious retreats in the mountains for Hindus and Buddhists.

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