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mercredi 26 août 2015

Growth in international tourism

This diversity is the result of the development of the tourism industry and the product crept to the forefront of economic sectors in the world .. has tourism been able to overcome all the crises and experience has shown that it industry inexhaustible not disappear, but grow year after year, despite all the unfortunate events and difficulties that may be experienced by .. Tourism is an industry linked to human desire to know and skip Alhdod..kadd Some predicted years ago that less tourist traffic with the development of the media and the emergence of the Internet teeming with information, images and data .. but the past has shown it has become a catalyst in the global tourism market and attractions.Tourism will continue to be the fastest growing industries and the most established and sophisticated .. They are linked to the development of human relationships and human groups, despite the entry of many countries in the recent period to the travel and tourism market, but the market can absorb the whole world .. which now seems more and more small with the passage of time and technological development, They are the world industry of the world and to Alm..walokther sophisticated and open-minded and understanding is the one who can take them as much as he wants and works to make it a tourist industry is in the sustainable development for the benefit of the local population and the local economy, including works by sustainable tourism and responsible tourism.

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